CTB/McGraw-Hill, one of the nation's leading educational assessment partners, has announced that West Virginia has selected the company's TASC (Test Assessing Secondary Completion) as an official state-wide high school equivalency alternative. TASC will replace the GED® as the state's sole high school equivalency assessment for 6,000 annual test takers seeking a high school equivalency credential. TASC is a state-of-the-art and affordable national high school equivalency assessment that assesses five subject areas including Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. It measures examinees’ levels of achievement relative to that of graduating high school seniors, and career and college readiness, as outlined by the Common Core State Standards.
TASC assesses English language arts (including reading and writing), math, science, and social studies. It will be available in English and Spanish and in large print, Braille and audio versions.
The Academy of Careers and Technology is an approved testing facility for the TASC testing program. Contact the Adult Basic Education office at 304-256-3964 to get started.